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Evaporative Cooling Tower

Evaporative Cooling Tower — Evaporative cooling Tower uses Evaporative cooling technologies which takes advantage of both air and water to extract heat from a power plant. By utilizing both water and air one can reduce the amount of water required for a power plant as well as reduce the footprint required for an air cooling system. Evaporative cooling towers are commonly used in any thermal generation technologies (i.e. coal, natural gas, geothermal, CSP, etc). Evaporative cooling towers flow air over the cooling water to induce evaporation of the cooling water and simultaneously condense the steam exiting the turbine back into a liquid state. Evaporative cooling towers are able to circulate most of the cooling water that is available, greatly reducing the plant's water consumption. Since the water is evaporating off make up water is required, but typically in the magnitude of 2-5% of the total flow.

Towertech has supplied Evaporative Cooling Towerworldwide for all power and industry applications and all environmental conditions
References: more than 500 Evaporative Cooling Tower have been installed worldwide
  • A close approach
  • Greater thermal efficiency
  • Higher energy saving
  • Ease of maintenance
  • Economy of initial as well as running cost with longer life
  • Turnkey solution
Why we are  
  • 15 Years of experience
  • State-of-the-art infrastructure
  • Modern & advanced equipments
  • 1000+ Indian and overseas clients
  • Team of qualified professionals
  • Superior quality and affordable price
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Towertech is manufacturer of Evaporative Cooling Tower, exports Evaporative Cooling Tower to various part of the world like Asian Countries, europe and USA.
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